About Us

About Us

Established in 2021, Second Chance Animal Sanctuary and Rescue is a family run not-for-profit farm animal sanctuary and foster home based dog rescue located in Owen Sound, Ontario. Since childhood it has been my dream to save animals. My husband, Sunil, has been supportive and jumped in feet first! Living in a farming community, we felt the need existed to share the perspective that these animals need not be consumed and have value beyond their use in industry while providing them a place to live out their natural lives.

While planning for the sanctuary we also realized that our region would be well served by having a foster home dog rescue. Over the past 5 years I’ve had the privilege of working with these types of rescues based in the Toronto area and decided to bring that experience in helping rehome dogs in the Grey-Bruce region. Our foster dogs come from a variety of locations, both Canadian and international, and from various backgrounds including shelters and surrenders. We provide them with temporary foster home until they are adopted into their forever families.

We are passionate about sharing the message of animal welfare and promoting the benefits of plant based living. Rescue life isn’t an easy life, but it’s all worth it!

Thanks for checking out our website and make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook to see what our animals are up to!

Angela and Sunil




At Second Chance Animal Sanctuary and Rescue, our mission is to provide dogs and farm animals a safe place to live. Based in the Grey Bruce community, we are dedicated to rescuing animals in need, promoting animal rights and providing education on animal welfare and the positive impact plant-based living can have on our world.


Not for Profit

We have no paid employees. All donations are used directly for the care needs of the animals and maintenance of their living spaces.